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  • Unmatched Accuracy
  • Rigid for Tray Support
  • Flexible for Easy Removal
  • Superior Wetting Characteristics
  • Excellent Margin Detail Reproduction
  • Thixotropic for Optimized Flow and Accurate Impressions
₹1800₹3000 40% Off

Hydrophilic Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material


  • Crown & Bridge Impressions
  • Pickup Impressions
  • Full Arch Impressions in Implantology
  • Veneer / Laminate Impressions
  • Inlay and Onlay Impressions
  • Functional Impressions
  • Impressions for Orthodontic Splints and Study Models

Key Specifications:

  • Working Time: 1:30 minutes
  • Setting Time: 3-4 minutes


  • Putty (500g x 500g):
    • 1 x 500g Base
    • 1 x 500g Catalyst

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