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  • Mint flavor
  • Dust-free
  • Injectable
  • Normal setting time
  • High precision alginate
₹280₹380 26% Off

Mintoigin by STAR is a high-precision alginate impression material designed for making accurate dental impressions. It is a dust-free alginate with a normal setting time, featuring fast water absorption and easy mixing properties. The final mix results in a homogeneous mass with smooth, compact surfaces. Impressions can be stored for extended periods before casting. Mintoigin is injectable, thixotropic, and flavored with mint to enhance patient comfort.


  • Rapid water absorption
  • Easy to mix
  • Long-term impression storage
  • Homogeneous mixture
  • Smooth, compact impression surfaces
  • 5-year shelf life


  • Mixing Time: 45 seconds
  • Setting Time: 1 minute 30 seconds


  • STAR Mintoigin Alginate Impression Material – 454 grams


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