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₹2700₹3000 10% Off

VINTAGE MP is an ultra-fine micro-ceramic developed according to the latest findings of the porcelain technology. With a recommended CTE range of 13,6 x 10-6K-1 - 15,2 x10-6K-1, all PFM alloys whether highly precious, semi-precious or non-precious can be veneered to an esthetically perfect finish within an economic timeframe. Using a new production process, the VINTAGE MP (a special ceramic composition) was created. It demonstrates temperature-resistant color pigments in the crystal and glass phase even after several firings. The light transmission and appearance of natural teeth are easily and accurately reproduced.

  • Above average bonding strength with all PFM alloys using the orange-coloured Base Opaque
  • Exceptional colour stability
  • Extremely fine paste opaques provide superb cover characteristics
  • Natural aesthetics within an economical time frame
  • Low shrinkage during firing and homogeneous, dense surfaces
  • Intensive fluorescent margin and cervical trans powders
  • Versatile applicable opalescent incisal and effect powders

Packaging: 1 x 20ml Liquid

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