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  • High shade stability
  • Excellent polishability
  • High plaque resistance
  • Abrasion-resistant occlusal veneers
  • Pleasant viscosity and modeling properties
  • Natural aesthetics with teeth-like light transmission
₹2045₹2150 % Off

Light-curing micro-hybrid composite featuring over 73% micro-fine ceramic content. Supported by a filling organic polymer matrix, it offers a homogeneous structure and ceramic-like properties. Suitable for both metal-supported and metal-free anterior and posterior restorations.


  • Fully veneered crowns and bridges
  • Fully veneered telescopic and conic crowns
  • Implant works
  • Attachment works
  • Occlusal veneers
  • Inlays and onlays
  • Veneers
  • Long-term temporaries
  • Modifications of conventional acrylic teeth

Physical Data:

  • Flexural Strength: 146 N/mm²
  • Flexural Modulus: 10,700 N/mm²
  • Compressive Strength: 354 N/mm²
  • Diametral Tensile Strength: 62 N/mm²
  • Vickers Hardness: 74 HV0.2
  • Water Absorption: 27 µg/mm³
  • Toothbrush Abrasion: 0.43%
  • Polymerization Shrinkage: 2.5% by volume
  • Inorganic Filler Content: 73% by weight

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